This Instant Pot® beef stroganoff is savory, creamy, and has lots of tender beef! Tastes like it's been slow-cooking for hours but ready in a little over...
Tasty beef and mushroom stroganoff. This was my favorite recipe as a kid, my Mum came up with it from the stuff that was left in the cupboard! I've since...
Being a farm wife, I'm always looking for recipes that can go out to the field. I got this one a number of years ago from my friend who is also a farm...
This is similar to lasagna. It's fairly easy to prepare, and my picky eaters love it! The cheeses are cream cheese and cottage cheese, which enables you...
A delicious recipe my grandma gave me, this was my favorite dinner when I was a kid. It's still in my top ten! For the grown-ups, Grandma would make another...
This noodle pudding is a family favorite. The recipe has been passed to many friends. It can also be frozen and it travels well. Can be baked for 30 minutes,...
My friend Anna makes the most amazing and easy meatballs with gravy! Prepared in a slow cooker, this recipe couldn't be any easier! Serve over buttery...
A delicious beef stroganoff recipe for the slow cooker. This one uses round steak and golden mushroom soup mixed with egg noodles and sour cream. Very...
I first had this over 13 years ago when my son was born. My brother, who is great cook, gave me this recipe. It is an easy dish that can be made ahead...
Delicious noodles baked with sour cream and cottage cheese. Great on a cold winter night and served with some dark bread, if desired. For best results,...
From my experience many of the recipes I have found for chow mein and lo mein seem to be either dry or very bland. I have been working at this one and...
This quick, easy, and budget-friendly dish will bring some well-deserved respect to humble ramen. Feel free to add shrimp or leftover chicken, if desired....
An easy, quick and economical recipe that kids really like. Ground beef, noodles, corn and tomatoes make a complete meal in one skillet. My sister who...
This is a recipe my Mother made often. The teenagers around my house inhale it. I usually saute the onion in a little butter before adding it to the dish...
This recipe is similar in flavor to my chili recipe. I came up with it one night when I had a craving for chili. Because the kids will not eat beans, I...
Discard that season packet and toss those instant noodles in a homemade sauce. I like to top mine with a fried egg and a squirt of Sriracha for a complete...
These showstoppers are great at parties. For added effect, mix in coconut (tapeworms) ramen noodles (roundworms), or peanuts. You can also coat the scoop...
I'm not sure where this recipe originated, but it's been in my family a long time, and we just love it! It's simple and quite tasty for the amount of effort...
Chocolate, peanut butter, and chow mein noodles give this cookie a salty sweet flavor. My great-grandmother made these for Christmas every year and they...
Inspired by cheddar beer soup and mac and cheese. Use a beer that isn't too hoppy, and remember the quality of the beer influences the quality of the final...
What better way to get your veggies in than with a savory Italian dish like Pasta Primavera. My version combines a little bit of heat from red pepper flakes...
I learned to cook many things from my grandmother. One of the family favorites was noodles, however Grandma taught by handfuls and pinches of this and...